Rescue Lab Publications
Indications of Child Sexual Abuse Revealed in App-Store Reviews. Brian Levine, Jagath Jai Kumar, Hany Farid, Eloghosa Ikponmwoba, and Ed Dixon. SOUPS 2022: Workshop on Kids' Online Privacy and Safety, pages 4. May 2022.
Report to Congress: Increasing the Efficacy of Investigations of Online Child Sexual Exploitation. Brian Levine. Technical Report NCJ Number 301590, National Institute of Justice, pages 164. May 2022.
A Forensically Sound Method of Identifying Downloaders and Uploaders in Freenet . Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, Brian Lynn, and Matthew Wright Proc. ACM Conference on Computer & Communications Security (CCS), November 2020.
Re-identification of Mobile Devices Using Real-Time Bidding Advertising Networks. Keen Sung, JianYi Huang, Mark D. Corner, and Brian N. Levine
Proc. ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MobiCom), September 2020.Tor Hidden Services Are a Failed Technology, Harming Children, Dissidents and Journalists. Brian Neil Levine and Brian Lynn. Lawfare, January 17 2020.
Shining Light on Internet-based Crimes Against Children. Brian Neil Levine. Invited talk. Proc. USENIX Security Symposium, August 2019.
Forensic Identification of Anonymous Sources in OneSwarm. George Bissias, Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, and Swagatika Prusty. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, November 2017.
Statistical Detection of Downloaders in Freenet. Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, Brian Lynn, and Matthew Wright. In Proceedings Third IEEE International Workshop on Privacy Engineering, pages 25-32, May 2017.
Characterization of Contact Offenders and Child Exploitation Material Trafficking on Five Peer-to-Peer Networks. George Bissias, Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, Brian Lynn, Juston Moore, Hanna Wallach, and Janis Wolak. Elsevier Child Abuse & Neglect, 52:185-199, February 2016.
Efficient Smart Phone Forensics Based on Relevance Feedback. Saksham Varma, Robert J. Walls, Brian Lynn, and Brian Neil Levine. Proc. ACM Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices, pages 81–91. November 2014.
Measuring a year of child pornography trafficking by US computers on a peer-to-peer network. Janis Wolak, Marc Liberatore, and Brian Neil Levine. Elsevier Child Abuse & Neglect, 38(2):347-356, February 2014.
Measurement and Analysis of Child Pornography Trafficking on P2P Networks (Runner-Up, Best Paper Award). Ryan Hurley, Swagatika Prusty, Hamed Soroush, Robert J. Walls, Jeannie Albrecht, Emmanuel Cecchet, Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, Brian Lynn, and Janis Wolak. In Proc. Intl. World Wide Web Conference (WWW), May 2013.
Forensic Investigation of the OneSwarm Anonymous Filesharing System. Swagatika Prusty, Brian Neil Levine, and Marc Liberatore. Proc. ACM Conference on Computer Communications Security (CCS), pages 201-214. October 2011.
Forensic Triage for Mobile Phones with DEC0DE. Robert J. Walls, Erik Learned-Miller, and Brian Neil Levine Proc. USENIX Security Symposium, August 2011.
Effective Digital Forensics Research is Investigator-Centric. Robert J. Walls, Brian Neil Levine, Marc Liberatore, and Clay Shields. Proc. USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Security, August 2011.
Strengthening Forensic Investigations of Child Pornography on P2P Networks. Marc Liberatore, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. Proc. ACM Conference on Future Networking Technologies (CoNEXT), November 2010.
Forensic Investigation of Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Networks. Marc Liberatore, Robert Erdely, Thomas Kerle, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. In Proc. DFRWS Annual Digital Forensics Research Conference, August 2010.
DEX: Digital Evidence Provenance Supporting Reproducibility and Comparison. Brian Neil Levine and Marc Liberatore. Proc. of DFRWS Annual Conference, August 2009
Auditing and Forensic Analysis. Brian Neil Levine and Gerome Miklau. Encyclopedia of Database Systems (2nd ed.) 2018, June 2009.
Passive-Logging Attacks Against Anonymous Communications Systems. Matthew Wright, Micah Adler, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 11(2), pages 1–34. May 2008.
Quantifying Resistance to the Sybil Attack. N. Boris Margolin and Brian Neil Levine.
Proc. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), pages 1–15. January 2008.Threats to Privacy in the Forensic Analysis of Database Systems. Patrick Stahlberg, Gerome Miklau, and Brian Neil Levine. Proc. ACM Intl Conf. on Management of Data (SIGMOD), pages 91–102. June 2007.
Informant: Detecting Sybils Using Incentives. N. Boris Margolin and Brian Neil Levine. Proc. Financial Cryptography and Data Security (FC), pages 192–207. February 2007.
Inferring the Source of Encrypted HTTP Connections. Marc Liberatore and Brian Neil Levine. In Proc. ACM conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS), pages 255-263, October 2006.
Privacy Vulnerabilities in Encrypted HTTP Streams. George Bissias, Marc Liberatore, David Jensen, and Brian Neil Levine. Proc. Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop (PET), pages 1-11. May 2005. [traces]
The Predecessor Attack: An Analysis of a Threat to Anonymous Communications Systems. Matthew Wright, Micah Adler, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 4(7), pages 489-522. November 2004.
Timing Attacks in Low-Latency Mix Systems. Brian Neil Levine, Mike Reiter, Chenxi Wang, and Matthew Wright. In Proc. Financial Cryptography (FC) (LNCS 3110), pages 251-265, February 2004.
Defending Anonymous Communication Against Passive Logging Attacks. Matthew Wright, Micah Adler, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. Proc. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), pages 28-41. May 2003.
Hordes — A Multicast Based Protocol for Anonymity. Brian Neil Levine and Clay Shields. Journal of Computer Security 10(3), pages 213-240. September 2002
An Analysis of the Degradation of Anonymous Protocols. Matthew Wright, Micah Adler, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. In Proc. ISOC Symposium Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS), pages 38-50, February 2002. Outstanding Paper Award.
Responder Anonymity and Anonymous Peer-to-Peer File Sharing. Vincent Scarlata, Brian Neil Levine, and Clay Shields. Proc. IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), pages 272-280. November 2001.
A Protocol for Anonymous Communication Over the Internet. Clay Shields and Brian Neil Levine. In Proc. ACM Conference on Computer and Communication Security (CCS), pages 33-43, November 2000.